Xcode 7.2 just released

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Xcode 7.2 just released

Finally Apple release to public the Xcode 7.2 after 4 beta releases.

The new release comes with the following SDK’s :

  • iOS 9.2 (I also received it in my iPhone)
  • OS X 10.11.2 (I also receive it in my MacBook Pro)
  • watchOS 2
  • tvOS 9.1

Quite a lot of improvements even that some of the issues are still here but since are in the list of “known issues” that means that probably some day it will be fixed and also that we shouldn’t expect to work.

The full list is available here.

2016-01-17T21:49:20+00:00 December 9th, 2015|development, ide, ios, mobile|0 Comments

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